Thursday, 7 July 2016

Samsung Delite ....Their newest in technology.

 Simon was picked to be the model for how to create a profile.

Lotte World

 Tallest building in Korea

Simon and some of the other boys on this ride.  Waited over and hour but worth the wait.

Social Welfare Society Thursday July 7th

 The agency in Korea that arranged Simon's adoption.
 Waiting for foster parents and having fun with our interpreter learning how to use chop sticks.
 Jay was very humored by us.  Perhaps a little more transparent conversation than he is accustom to.
 Baby room. Volunteers come in a love these babes. Such a caring, stimulating and loving environment.
 SWS giving us a gift and Simon giving SWS a donation(customary) for the work they do to ensure the children with special needs who do not have a forever family are cared for.
 Breakfast with Aunt Tine at our hotel. Don't they match nicely?
 Simon and the concierge are becoming buddies.